Beardie Grooming is Now Open!

We’ve got a private grooming courtyard with power for the Specialty. Spaces are going quickly, so reserve as soon as you can!

To make reservations, go to:

Go through the Harvest Moon Cluster Oct 2024 link, and scroll down to a button that says Get Tickets Now. The second listing is our BCCA-only grooming link. You must pay in advance, either through PayPal or with a credit card. Each space measures 10 x 10 feet.

Cost: $85.00 plus $5 service fee for the week.

There will be room near the Beardie ring to set up tents/EZ-Ups without access to power. Watch this space for word about generators — we’re looking into it.

There’s More!

We are reserving 4 drying only stations in the outside designated Beardie Grooming Patio for all to SHARE! When you arrive, you can sign up for an hour to dry your Beardie. You will need to bring your own dryer and table. Sharing the space means you won’t have to spend $90 for electricity — we will do it for you!

We will have sign-up sheets for each of the 4 drying stations. If anyone has an extra grooming table they can share please let Lisa know!