You’ll have multiple opportunities to show at the Specialty this year! In addition to our Specialty conformation events, you can enter the conformation events at the Harvest Moon Cluster. The Cluster is also hosting the National Owner-Handler Series Regional on Saturday, October 19 as part of the Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore shows.
Bonus! — On Thursday, October 17, the Northern California Bearded Collie Fanciers (NCBCF) are hosting a supported entry for Beardies at the Skyline Kennel Club shows in the cluster.
Here’s a link to the BCCA National Specialty event schedule.
Here’s a link to Harvest Moon Cluster events taking place during the week.
All conformation events take place at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds. Enter the shows through Entry deadline is Wednesday, October 2.
Premium List and Judging Programs
The Premium List is here.
The BCCA Specialty Judging Program (conformation, obedience, & rally) is here.
The Judging Program for the Harvest Moon Cluster (conformation, obedience and rally) is here.
Here’s the schedule for conformation events:
Thursday, October 17 | NCBCF Supported Entry at the Skyline Kennel Club shows | Judge: Charlotte Laning Vrethammar (Old Smuggler’s) |
Friday, October 18 | Sweeps & Veteran Sweeps | Judge: Cathy Goetz Perry |
Saturday, October 19 | Regular Dog & Bitch Classes Non-Regular (Performance & Altered Classes) Beginner Puppy (4-6 Months) Junior Showmanship |
Breed Judge: Gill Burfitt Junior Showmanship: Ryan Horvath |
All-Breed Shows Hosted by the Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore |
National Owner-Handler Series Regional Hosted by the Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore |
Sunday, October 20 | Veteran Dog & Bitch Best of Breed Best Puppy Best Veteran Best Bred By Exhibitor Brace, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch |
Gill Burfitt |
All-Breed Shows Hosted by the Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore |